Thursday, March 1, 2012

Interview Subject: David Axelrod

      David Axelrod is a scientist and professor for the department of genetics at Rutgers University. David Axelrod focuses most of his studies on oncology, the study of cancer, and the instability of these cancer cells. Several methods are used during his research including molecular biology, cell biology, and even computer simulation. Lately, Dr. Axelrod’s main focus is on breast cancer and breast cancer cells. He studies the heterogeneity and progress of the breast cancer cells to determine how they mutate. His research helps bring a better understanding to the progression of breast cancer cells. He has published many works and one particular published work introduces the idea of the game theory and its role in understanding cancer cells. Since every cancer cell within a certain tumor is different, they all act as “players” of the game theory. Each cancer cell has different mutations and needs but within the tumor, they cooperate together. The research of David Axelrod could benefit not only people already affected with cancer, but also those not diagnosed. His research could open up many more doors to the understanding of cancer cells and could possibly lead to better ways of treatment for cancer patients. 

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